Looking at 156,000 chat messages from Summer Game Fest 2022

With E3 gone until 2023, the primary gaming industry showcase everyone tuned into was Summer Game Fest 2022. They featured segments from indie games, Netflix, Epic Games, Xbox, CAPCOM, and more!

Here at Gamesight, we utilized our sophisticated algorithm in order to aggregate and analyze all of the Twitch.tv messages during Summer Game Fest 2022. We're able to check out how gamers felt about the releases, teasers, and announcements.

Let's break it down.

The Sheer Numbers

The chat peaked at nearly 77,000 messages in the first segment, with chatters from all around the world popping in to root for games they hoped would be announced.

The chat reached over 156,000 messages on Twitch.tv.

Devolver Digital and Final Fantasy VII's 25th anniversary were the shortest segments, which may account for the dip in chat buzz.

The chat picked up again at Xbox and Bethesda's Showcase at 45,000 messages.

What Do You Meme

Understanding Twitch emotes is a critical way to quickly and effectively tap into the culture of gamers on the platform. Seeing which emotes are spammed the most gives a brief but holistic view of how chatters are feeling.

Gamesight was able to see the most used emotes in the chat.

Unluckily, "residentsleeper" was the most used emote, which indicates that users were bored or actively uninterested in the topic at hand. This emote is often spammed at corporate events or special event livestreams, although it may be hard for developers to not take it personal.

"Morb" was the hot meme at the time due to the satirized release of "Morbius," finding its way to the top rankings to nearly beat out "pog," the iconic frog emote expressing joy.

Chat Sentiment

Finally, we have the chat sentiment data, where we could look in-depth at percentages of positive, negative, and neutral messages to see how each show did.

All segments had a majority of neutral chatter response. Devolver Digital and Netflix's segments had the most estimated positive messages at 30 percent each.

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