#Top5OnTwitch for July 27nd - August 2nd
Which games are rising on the Twitch charts? Which streamers are dominating the most popular titles? Check out our official rankings!

Which games are rising on the Twitch charts? Which streamers are dominating the most popular titles? Check out our official rankings!

Note: The following rankings are based on a combination of both gross and percentage change to viewership and total streams. As such, dominant and stable titles near the top of the charts will not always, or often, appear. To compare to last week's rankings, click here.
Graphs for Top Rising titles show previous two weeks for context.
Top 5 Rising
1. Fortnite
Increase Viewership: 12,699,616 Hours (58.66%)
Increase Channels: 59,673 Creators (18.90%)
The bulk of last week's Fortnite World Cup event took place during this week's rankings period, and as such there is little question as to which game was the fastest rising title on Twitch. During the final on Sunday, the game reached peak viewership of over 1.2 million audience members, more than ten times the games average viewership in the week prior to the competition, and enough to make it one of the most successful events in the history of Twitch.
Fortnite is almost always the most watched and played game on the platform, but it hasn't leveraged that success into a comparable competitive scene. Yes, every game is competitive, but official eSports events and tournaments don't draw in the numbers that other similarly successful titles have managed to enjoy. For example, while it was the most watched game on Twitch for the month of June, according to our research nine titles drew more viewership to their competitions during that same time.
That's what makes this event such an enormous moment for the game. The team at Epic Games has managed to dominate the space so far just on the power of the game and its organic community, but just imagine what a healthy and consistent competitive space could do for its numbers. Again, this was perhaps the most successful Twitch event of all time; with a consistent space populated by important competitive events, there's no telling just how big the game can get. Considering it's already the biggest game on the planet, that's really saying something.
2. Oxygen Not Included
Increase Viewership: 516,331 Hours (436.98%)
Increase Channels: 1671 Creators (408.56%)
And now for something completely different. Oxygen Not Included is a base-building survival title wherein the player controls a space crew building an underground colony on an alien planet, and it officially launched out of early access this week, immediately pulling in over 1500 new creators and becoming one of the fastest growing titles on Twitch.
Oxygen comes from developer and publisher Klei Interactive, and it follows in the footsteps of some of its popular past title Don't Starve, leveraging a fun cartoon art-style and unforgiving mechanics to make for a tense, visually interesting experience that's different every time you play it. Like the earlier game, the main objective in Oxygen is survival, but the addition here of base-building and customization makes for even more opportunity to make the experience your own. Building sims and base-management titles give creators that opportunity to deliberately and thoughtfully build something that's unique to them, often with the input of their audience. For variety streamers in particular, this makes for a brilliant platform from which to tell stories to their fans. The success of Oxygen Not Included coming out of early access is a great example of how simply providing that kind of platform can help you carve out a sustainable community on Twitch.
3. Fire Emblem: Three Houses
Increase Viewership: 2,624,135 Hours (469.05%)
Increase Channels: 1881 Creators (62.00%)
Last week it was the fastest rising new title on the platform, and now, with a full seven days to accrue viewership, Fire Emblem: Three Houses moves over to officially be named as one of the most trending titles on all of Twitch. In its second week, some of the bigger names on the platform decided to pick up the title and dump dozens of hours into it for themselves and their fans, including CohhCarnage (58 Hours), AdmiralBahroo (71 Hours), and DansGaming (66 Hours). The result was an over four-times increase in the game's viewership, and peak concurrent audiences of nearly 35,000 fans.
As a Nintendo Switch exclusive, the success of Fire Emblem is the latest in a string of successes that indicate the console's growing role in the world of content creation. For a long time, Nintendo wasn't the most gracious partner when it came to streaming and YouTube, requiring participation in its limiting creator program to monetize their games in any way. But, with that requirement being removed last year, and with streaming directly from the console getting easier and easier, Switch titles are increasingly making noise in the world of streaming. It's been very satisfying to watch this change in approach from Nintendo, particularly after years of creators being unable to properly monetize the games they love. This is just the latest example of the developer and publisher's increased willingness to engage with the space, and how it's leading to a significant presence on the platform. It's very exciting to see.
4. League of Legends
Increase Viewership: 9,204,826 Hours (58.77%)
Increase Channels: 15,076 Creators (19.75%)
League of Legends has one of the most consistent platforms on Twitch, and as such it doesn't often make our list of the fastest rising titles. With an enormous market-share when it comes to viewership, and a consistently well-performing eSports scene, the game rarely experiences swings wide enough to warrant being named one of the more dramatic shifts on the platform. Still, this week, its over 15,000 new streamers was the second largest increase on the entire platform, and this combined with its raw increase in total viewership is more than enough to earn it a spot in this week's rankings.
The big news in the game this week was the beginning of the "Project 2019" event, which doesn't feature many new missions but does introduce a wide selection of rewards such as new skins and loot boxes. This is typically one of the most popular events each year, and as such it resulted in a large number of creators returning to the title. Given that its large audience is typically oriented towards competitive events like the LCK league in Korea, events like this pull in an entirely different category of player, the non-competitive community member who's excited to engage with new content. When a title can engage with two audiences like these in equal measure, it's going to lead to a very healthy population of streamers who remain regularly engaged. It's an informative lesson from one of the most successful titles in streaming.
5. 60 Seconds!
Increase Viewership: 317,240 Hours (237.54%)
Increase Channels: 288 Creators (144.72%)
60 Seconds! Reatomized is a brand new remastered version of the nuclear disaster survival simulator released on July 25th, and it brought new players to the game in large enough numbers to land it the final spot in this week's rankings. Giving you sixty seconds to collect what you'll need before descending into a bunker where your family will live for an indeterminate amount of time, the game is different every time you play it, with the ability to play an entire game from start to finish in just one sitting. These features are ideal for variety streamers who might not stick with a game for that long, but are always looking for something interesting to put in front of their audience which they might not expect.
It's likely that appeal that drew creators like LIRIK and sodapoppin to the game during this past week, and they're unquestionably the biggest reason the title finds itself in our rankings this week. They're responsible for more than 150,000 hours of viewership between the two of them, approximately half of the game's total increase. That's the reality of a rerelease like this, a smaller title with quicker, more fleeting gameplay: getting it into a big streamers's hands can be what makes or breaks it. These two creators got this title in front of hundreds of thousands of potential players, and the impact on sales is likely sizable. Smaller games need that kind of exposure, and the fact that 60 Seconds! received it is the main reason it finds itself as one of the fastest rising titles on Twitch for the week.
Top 5 New Releases
1. Madden NFL 20
Total Viewership: 1,069,561 Hours, 37th Overall
Total Channels: 11,824 Creators - 23rd Overall
The NFL preseason began last Thursday, with the annual Hall of Fame Game, and with it came the release of Madden NFL 20. The premier football experience, and the only one with an official NFL license, the game was became available for everyone on Friday, after a brief period of early access for players who preordered the "Superstar Edition" which began on Tuesday, and it quickly accrued enough viewership on Twitch to become the fastest rising new release for the week.
Sports simulation titles enjoy an interesting position on Twitch. Even though a healthy competitive scene is one of the secrets to long term success in streaming, titles like Madden don't generally reach the heights of other eSports titles in the space. That's not to say they don't do well, and that competitive events aren't a big reason why, but they also rarely reach the heights of games like Overwatch or Fortnite. Instead, it's game modes like "Ultimate Team," featured in both Madden and Fifa, which are the biggest draw for streaming audiences. These game modes focus on collecting cards, similar to CCG titles like Hearthstone and Magic: The Gathering, to build custom teams and pit them against each other. The building of these teams, the opening of card packs and the discovery of big-time players, provides dedicated streamers with an endless stream of content with which to keep viewers engaged.
This year's Madden brings even further improvements and updates to the Ultimate Team mode, and part of the big influx of streamers playing the title is this population of dedicated creators creators excited to dive in to the mode and begin the process of building a team, with their audiences input, anew. It'll be exciting to see what kind of audience the title can carve out for itself as a baseline, a foundation to put in place for the next year. The next few weeks will tell the story.
2. Hide Or Die
Total Viewership: 221,910 Hours - 95th Overall
Total Channels: 957 Creators - 196th Overall
There will always be room on Twitch for multiplayer horror games, and this week saw a new contender release into early access and make some noise in its first few days on the platform: VecFour Digital's Hide or Die.
But, the game doesn't just take its cues from other horror titles in the space: it also throws in a fair amount of battle royale features in for good measure. Featuring a large sandbox-style gameplay arena, scenarios drop players into a "world corrupt with darkness," challenging them to collect gear, explore to find and reactivate machines, and escape. As the game progresses, fallen players transform into enemies tasked with attacking others, creating a dynamic asymmetric multiplayer set-up.
There's a lot to like about Hide or Die, as it combines many elements from various genres that all do well in the world of streaming. With close to 1,000 streamers in just two days, it seems that a healthy number of creators see the potential of this title, and are leveraging it to deliver entertaining streams for their fans. As an early access title, it will continue to develop in the coming weeks and months, so it still has room to grow, both in terms of the game itself and its streaming community. It has the attention of a good group of streamers already, and with the right support, can develop into something that remains in the picture for some time.
3. The Blackout Club
Total Viewership: 149,662 Hours - 133rd Overall
Total Channels: 683 Creators - 263rd Overall
The Blackout Club is also a multiplayer horror title, this time a cooperative, procedurally generated experience pitting teams of up to four players against an invisible enemy they can only see when they close their eyes, which obscures everything on screen except for the attacker themselves. Again, multiplayer horror titles are tailor-made for streaming, and while this title is cooperative instead of competitive, it doesn't make it any less ideal for the world of Twitch.
Cooperative games, in particular, can provide an exceptional platform for streaming content, as the focus on cooperation and communication make it perfect for collaborating with other creators. One of the best things a streamer can do to grow their audience is team up with other creators, letting their viewers cross-pollinate while the presence of additional personalities to play off of makes for simply superior content. When it's in a horror scenario, complete with the opportunities for surprises, frights, and white-knuckle triumphs, it's even more compelling. That's what we have here in the form of the latest title from developer and publisher Question Games, and it will be interesting to see just how much it can result in a sustained presence on Twitch in the coming weeks.
4. Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Prophecy
Total Viewership: 290,887 Hours - 76th Overall
Total Channels: 115 Creators - 834th Overall
A standalone expansion to Warhammer 40,000: Inquisitor - Martyr, Prophecy brings an entirely new story, with an additional character class, revamped gameplay, new enemies, and novel settings. Released on July 30th, the title reached peak viewership of over 10,000 audience members on each subsequent day throughout the rankings period, landing it in the fourth spot of this week's top new releases.
The Warhammer universe is one of the most prolific in the gaming space, with new titles from various genres appearing every year and an eager audience of fans waiting to play them. The success of the IP is the big draw for most streamers and their fans; their in love with the universe and its lore, and being able to observe fun, action-oriented gameplay while engaging with it is just icing on the cake. This latest example is just another demonstration of how rich this fictional universe is with storytelling and gameplay opportunities, and while it isn't doing so well as to expect is to continue rising up the charts in the weeks ahead, it was more than enough to a healthy launch for a smaller, more niche title.
5. Half Dead 2
Total Viewership: 37,445 Hours - 313th Overall
Total Channels: 139 Creators - 750th Overall
During a relatively slow week for new releases, all it takes is one major creator picking up your title to rise you up the charts, and that's exactly what happened with Half Dead 2 to make it the last of our top rising new releases on the platform. When it officially released on August 2nd, the game didn't perform well at all. But, two days prior, YouTube star and occasional streamer Markiplier streamed the title to just over 5,000 fans, and that alone was enough for it to take the final spot in this week's rankings.
Half Dead 2 is he sort of game that, at this point, is ubiquitous on Steam. It's a multiplayer arena where teams can try and overcome traps together, or simply compete in deathmatch style competitions. As such, we don't expect it to have much of a lifespan in streaming outside this one broadcast from a larger creator. Still, it's impressive that only one player can have such an outsized impact on the game's platform, and speaks to how important engaging with these creators can be for your title's success.
Top 5 Overall by Viewership
1. Fortnite (Same Rank)
Total Viewership: 34,349,063 Hours (+58.66%)
Total Channels: 375,432 Creators (+18.90%)
Top Creators by Total Viewership
1. Fortnite - 3,422,637 Hours
2. Tfue - 1,686,370 Houurs
3. SolaryFortnite - 1,568,120 Hours
4. Dakotaz - 1,154,689 Hours
5. Chap - 874,642 Hours
2. League of Legends (Same Rank)
Total Viewership: 24,864,723 Hours (+58.77%)
Total Channels: 91,400 Creators (19.75%)
Top Creators by Total Viewership
1. Riot Games - 2,078,546 Hours
2. LCK Korea - 886,762 Hours
3. Sardoche - 562,016 Hours
4. 앰비션_ (lol_ambition) - 478,593 Hours
5. Loltyler1 - 468,335 Hours
3. Grand Theft Auto V (↑1)
Total Viewership: 17,817,737 Hours (+21.13%)
Total Channels: 58,659 Creators (+12.63%)
Top Channels by Total Viewership
1. Summit1g - 1,256,690 Hours
2. Lord Kebun - 631,070 Hours
3. Vader - 371,243 Hours
4. MarcaoRX - 300,460 Hours
5. Buddha - 262,018 Hours
4. Teamfight Tactics (↓1)
Total Viewership: 13,498,342 Hours (-15.35%)
Total Channels: 42,849 Creators (-6.64%)
Top Channels by Total Viewership
1. Dogdog - 739,795 Hours
2. itsHafu - 706,959 Hours
3. Scarra - 538,482 Hours
4. Rakin - 486,455 Hours
5. DisguisedToast - 402,315 Hours
5. Overwatch (↑1)
Total Viewership: 12,382,240 Hours (+78.60%)
Total Channels: 49,284 Creators (+18.57%)
Top Channels by Total Viewership
1. Overwatch League - 4,363,562 Hours
2. Shroud - 856,276 Hours
3. 오버워치리그 (OWL Korea) - 532,114 Hours
4. OWL France - 281,813 Hours
5. A Seagull - 201,361 Hours
Be sure to check out our breakdown of what the Ninja-Mixer deal means for them, influencers, and publishers everywhere, and why it might be the first of a brand new kind of influencer-marketing. Also compare our rankings to last week's numbers, and follow us on Twitter and LinkedIn for all the latest blogs, announcements, and game marketing news from the team at GAMESIGHT!