Initial 24 Hour Twitch Viewership Data Across FPS Big 3
We'll be doing another analysis of these 3 FPS giants early next week, when we have a little more data to work with. But until then, here's to another amazing fall release block!

Well... IT HAPPENED. Halo Infinite's multiplayer launched (technically a beta but whatever) 3 weeks early! All 3 major fall FPS games (Call of Duty: Vanguard, Battlefield 2042, and Halo Infinite) are running wild. Which means... Let's do some extremely early pre-emptive Twitch viewership metrics!!!
Call of Duty: Vanguard

*Before breaking these charts down, bear in mind that they show hourly data, so the peak viewership will look lower than it actually is. Additionally, the dotted line shows viewership for the previous time period.
In Call of Duty: Vanguards first 24 hours, its Twitch viewership metrics break down as follows:
- 6 Million hours watched
- 221.2k average viewers
- 338,513 peak viewers
- 233k hours streamed
- 5.1k average streams
- 77.2k total streams
We'll be using Call of Duty: Vanguard as the baseline for this comparison, as it came out first and it's viewership data was unimpeded be the releases of either of the two other titles we'll be looking at.
Battlefield 2042

In Battlefield 2042's first 24 hours, its Twitch viewership metrics break down as follows:
- 4.8 million hours watched
- 189.4k average viewers
- 342,783 peak viewers
- 92.2k hours streamed
- 2k average streams
- 31.4k total streams
Immediately we can see that 2042 had lower numbers across the board beside peak viewers. The difference in total streams can be explained through the fact that only players who are subscribed to EA's Play Pro plan or bought the Ultimate edition of the game have access until November 19th, compared to Vanguard, which launched fully on the 5th. The massive drop-off in viewership numbers can be explained by the fact that the 2042 servers were not having a very good time on it's 'launch' day. Many players were having issues finding servers that they were able to connect to, often getting the "Unable to load persistent data" error.
Halo Infinite

In Halo Infinite's first 24 hours, its Twitch viewership metrics break down as follows:
- 2.9 million hours watched
- 117k average viewers
- 258,453 peak viewers
- 4.4k average streams
- 112.7k hours streamed
- 49.8k total streams
Halo Infinites surprise launch, which was speculated to happen the days prior to Xbox's 20th anniversary stream, was a welcomed move by the community. Infinite has far more total streams compared to 2042, mainly because of it's free to play status, but less than Vanguard. It should be noted that both 2042 and Vanguard released on Fridays, while Infinite surprise launched on a Monday morning.
We'll be doing another analysis of these 3 FPS giants early next week, when we have a little more data to work with. But until then, enjoy the data chart below (open image in a new tab for better clarity).

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